Facilities List

1. Naha Shimin Taiikukan

1227, Shikina, Naha-shi.
TEL: 098-853-6979 FAX.098-834-6802

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:00PM (allowed to book until 8:00PM)

*every 2nd and 4th week’s Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

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※negotiable entering with an assistance dog

①Main arena・Sub arena

Main arena’s area: 2,200㎡
Sub arena’s area: 734㎡

②Tamokuteki-shitsu/ Takkyu-shistu
(Multipurpose room and Table tennis room)

③Kaigi-shitsu (Conference room)

④Training room

2.Onoyama Koen・Onoyama Sogo Undojo

52, Onoyamacho, Naha-shi (in the “Onoyama Koen Budokan”)
TEL.098-858-2700 FAX.098-859-0102

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:00PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Okinawa Kenritsu Budokan (Martial arts)

Arena bldg.

Rensei Dojo bldg. (Drilling Dojo bldg.)

Floor area: 2,142㎡ Capacity: 1,319 fixed seats/ 675 movable seats
Floor area: 1F (420㎡)/ 2・3F(550㎡ each)

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②Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

③Nobinobi Shibafu Hiroba (Square)

④Hojo Kyogijo (Sub stadium)

⑤Jogging course

⑥Suiei pool (Swimming pool)

There are 50m×8 courses (Official recognized)

⑦Kyudojo (Archery field)

⑧Tamokuteki Hiroba (Multipurpose square)

⑨Teikyujo (Tennis courts)

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⑩Okinawa Cellular Stadium Naha (Baseball field)

Total floor area: 16,112㎡

Capacity: about 15,000 seats on infield stand/ about 15,000 people on outfield stand

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⑪Okinawa Cellular Park Naha
(All-weathered sports recreation facility)

Total floor area: 3,254㎡

3. Itoman Nishizaki Undo Koen

Itoman Nishizaki Undo Koen3-1, Nishizakicho, Itoman-shi
TEL.098-992-4527 FAX.098-992-4526

Business hours: 9:00AM~10:00PM (Sunday and Holiday: 9:00 AM~5:00PM)

*every Monday and around New Years is closed.

①Itoman Nishizaki Sogo Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Floor area: 4,215.93㎡

apacity: 376 fixed seats/ 440 galleries on the 2F, Viewing field

Check Point

1. Entrance width of conference room, which is available as meeting room, is 78cm.

2. Training room

3. It is available entering with wheel-chairs in the shower room and handrail is set in each private shower room.

4. Wall-mounted pouch clean which comes out with hot water and Ostomate dedicated chair is standing.

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②Nishizaki Pool

There is an “Outdoor Recreation Pool” and an “Indoor Pool”. The indoor pool has a 25m×4 courses with 1.2~1.3m water depth for general people and 70㎡pool for children.

*because of the steep slope, you may need help.

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③Tennis courts

There are 4 tennis courts.

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④Itoman Nishizaki Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

It is second certified Athletics stadium.

Area: 28,900㎡

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⑤Tamokuteki Hiroba (Multipurpose square)

⑥Itoman Nishizaki Kyujo (Baseball field)

Right and left fields: 97.6m, Center field: 122m

Capacity: 12,000 people

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⑦Hotel sports lodge Itoman

Hotel is located in the park so that you can save time commuting.

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4. Urasoe Undo Koen

1-13-1, Nakama, Urasoe-shi
TEL.098-876-7322 FAX.098-876-7324

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:30PM

*around New Year is closed.

①Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

Area: 26,000㎡

Capacity: 6,254 people

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②Shimin Kyujo (Baseball field)

Area: 13,284.8㎡

Right and left fields: 98m, Center field: 122m


Capacity: 14,499 people

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③Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Arena area: 3,000㎡

Capacity: 1029 (2F: 812, 3F: 217) moving seats

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④Majun land (Leisure facility)

⑤Tamokuteki Okunai Undojo (Multipurpose indoor sports ground)

Area: 3,030㎡ (Arena’s area:2,520㎡/ sub arena’s area: 510㎡)

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5. Sun Abilities Urasoe

4-11-1, Miyagi, Urasoe-shi
TEL.098-876-3477 FAX.098-877-8450

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:30PM

*every Monday and around New Year is closed.

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①Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Area: 672.60㎡

It is used for practice and in tournaments, of various sports such as rugby for the disabled.

②Training room

③Onsui mini pool (Hot water mini pool)


④Ongaku-shitsu/ Moujin Takkyu-shistu
(Music room and Table tennis room for visual impairments)

⑤Gate ball field

6. Ginowan Kaihin Koen

4-2-1, Mashiki, Ginowan-shi
TEL.098-897-2751 FAX.098-897-2758

Business hours: 8:30AM~9:30PM

*every Tuesday and around New Year is closed.

①Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Arena area: 1,917㎡
Capacity: 1,212 fixed seats/ 288 movable seats

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②Yakyujo (Baseball field)

Area: 13,205㎡

Capacity: 3,000 seats on main stand/ 2,800 seats on infield stand/ 5,000 seats on outfield stand

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③Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

Area: 14,877㎡

All-weathered track (400m×8 courses)

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④Tennis court

There are 6 all-weathered Omni Courts.

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7. Okinawa Shiritsu Sogo Undojo

2-1-1, Moromizato, Okinawa-shi
TEL.098-932-0777 FAX.098-932-2410

Business hours: 9:00AM~10:00PM

*every 2nd and 4th week’s Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

Area: 29,800㎡
Capacity: 3,400 people in main stand/ 10,000 people in side-back stand
It is the first certified Athletics stadium.
Japanese Olympic Committee certified as an athletics strengthening Center.

*Conference room

Check point

1. There are two different angle of slopes which set with handrail on both right and left side.

2. Wheel-chair user’s viewing space in Athletics stadium.

3. There are slopes to the all-weathered inside track (50m×3 lanes) so that wheel-chair users can go through.

4. Shower room for wheel-chair users. Shower chair is available to borrow.

*Training room

Area: 391㎡

*Conference room

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②Tokyu Renshujo (Pitching practice field)

③Okunai Sogo Renshujo (Indoor practice field)

Area: 993.96㎡

④Koza Shinkin Stadium (Baseball field)

Area: 21,000㎡

Capacity: 6,000 people on main stand/ 9,000 people on back stand

⑤Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Area: 6,354.75㎡

Capacity: 2,091 fixed and movable seats/ 24 royal boxes/ 8 wheel-chair user’s seatsInside of gym, Terrace, Multipurpose room

Check Point

1. Able to enter through slopes from priority parking lot with roof.

2. Coin-operated shower room for wheel-chair users.

3. Shower chair and Shower carry is able to borrow.

4. “Hearing loop” which is wireless loud speaker is set in the royal box seats.

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⑥Sub track

⑦Tamokuteki Undojo
(Multipurpose Sports Ground)

Area: 1,453.01㎡

It is an outdoor sports support facility when it’s raining.

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⑧Teikyujo (Tennis court)

Area: 3,543.64㎡

5 Clay courts

⑨Soccer field

⑩Budo-kan (Martial arts)

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Kyudo field

Area: 589㎡

Launch site: 88.6m for 6 people。

Judo ring

Area: 393.68㎡㎡
2 courts
Capacity: 76 fixed seats

Kendo court

Area: 401.66㎡
2 courts
Capacity: 86 fixed seats

8. Okinawa-ken Sogo Undo Koen

5-3-1, Hiyagon, Okinawa-shi
TEL.098-932-5114 FAX.098-932-7297

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:00PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Rikujo Kyogi-jo (Athletics stadium)

It is first certified Athletics stadium.Area: 43,656㎡
It is all-weathered track with urethane pavement and Koryo turf field. (400m track×8 courses)
Indoor rain runway is 70m×4 lanes with all-weathered urethane pavement.There is training room.

Check Point

1. First-aid office is facing to “Emergency entrance” so that it is useful when carrying items.

2. Multipurpose restroom outside has a man and women, separately. (Open when the tournament is held.)

3. Shower room for wheel-chair users.

4. There is movable shower head and handrail.

5. You can enter with wheel-chair because the floor is flat.

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②Hojo Kyogijo (Auxiliary stadium)

400m×6 lanes
100m straight×8 lanes
It is all-weathered urethane pavement.

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③Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Main arena
Area: 6,101㎡

Sub arena
Area: 1,209㎡

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④Swimming Pool

*Outside swimming pool

50m (Official recognition), 1.8~1.4m of water depth, and 9 courses. Only summer season (May. to Sep.) is opened.

*Inside swimming pool

25m (Official recognition), 1.4~1.2m of water depth, and 6 courses.

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⑤Shukyujo (Football/Rugby field)

Total area: 24,640㎡

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⑥Tennis courts

16 Omni Courts, it is all-weathered and sand-filled artificial turf pavement.

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⑦Okunai Undojo
(Indoor playground -recreation dome-)

Area: 7,194㎡

It is all-weathered and sand-filled artificial turf.

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⑧Cycle center

⑨Tamokuteki Hiroba (Multipurpose square)

⑩Kyanpujo (Camping center)

9. Yonmitan-son Shakai Taiikushisetsu

2901, Zakimi, Yomitan-son
TEL: 098-982-9231 FAX: 098-982-9229

Business hours: 8:30AM~9:30PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Yomitan-son Undo Hiroba・Tamokuteki Hiroba
(Sports square・Multipurpose square)/h4>

●Sports square:Area: 35,063㎡

●Multipurpose square Area: 20,010㎡

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②Heiwa-no-mori Kyujo (Baseball field)

Area; 25,374㎡

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③Yomitan-son Rikujo Kyogijo
(Athletics stadium)

Area: 35,806㎡●延面積: 4,215.93㎡

It is all-weathered tracks: 400m×8 courses, infield: natural turf.

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④Yomitan-son Kenko-zosin Center
(Health Promotion Center)

10.Onna-son Akama Sogo Undo Koen

7441, Onna, Onna-son
TEL.098-966-2656 FAX.098-966-8648

Business hours: 9:00AM~10:00PM

*every 2nd and 4th week’s Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Onna-son Akama Tamokuteki Undojo
(Multipurpose sports ground)

Area: 3,366㎡

Arena: High-density artificial turf
Jogging course: 207m (1 lap)

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*Akama Sogo Undo Koen

②ONNA Akama-ball-park (Baseball field)

Right and left fields: 100m, center field: 122m

③Soccer field

Area: 100m×90m

Tifton turf


④Sub ground

⑤Akama Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

This is the Okinawa’s first all-weathered Athletics stadium with artificial turf ground which FIFA recommended.
400m×9 courses (length: 105m, width: 68m) * Official standard

Capacity: about 850 seats with roof

11. Ginoza-son Sougou Undo Koen

188, Ginoza, Ginoza-son
TEL/FAX: 098-968-87800

Business hours: 9:00AM~10:00PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Ginoza-son Yakyujo (Baseball field)

Area: 10,323㎡

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②Ginoza-son Sougou Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Area: 4,653㎡

3 basketball and volleyball courts


③Ginoza Dome
(All-weathered multipurpose sports facility)

Area: 4,893㎡

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④Ginoza-son Sogo Ground

12. 21seiki no mori Taiikukan

2-1-1, Oominami, Nago-shi
TEL.098-53-6890 FAX.0980-54-1083

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:30PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

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Length: 57m, width: 35m
4 volleyball, 3 basketball, and 12 badminton courts

②Dai Shukaijo (Large assembly hall)

Length: 28.75m, width: 17.45m
1 volleyball and basketball court

(Conference room/ Meeting room)

④Nago-shiei Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics stadium)

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13. Nakijin-son Sogo Undo Koen

851-1, Nakasone, Nakijin-son
TEL.098-56-5955 FAX.098-56-2831

Business hours: 9:00AM~10:00PM (weekends: 9:00AM~7:00PM)

*every Monday, and around New Year is closed.

①Sonmin Undojo (Sports ground)

All-weathered track: 450m×5 lanes

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②Sub ground

③Tennis field

④Sonmin Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

We have an arena, training room, and 150 fixed seats on the 2nd floor.

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⑤Sonmin Pool

⑥Club House

There are training rooms (49 tatami which is possible to 2 partitions and large screen and audio equipment are available), kitchen, bathroom, turf Courtyard.

*this is used for training camp.

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14. Kuina Eco・Suporeku Koen

121, Hentona, Kunigami-son
TEL.098-41-2101 FAX.098-41-5910
(Kunigami Village office,the Commerce, industry and Tourism Division)

Business hours: 8:30AM~9:00PM

*every Tuesday is closed.

①Kunigami Rikujo Kyogijo
(Athletics stadium)

It is 3rd certified Athletics stadium.

All-weathered track: 400m×8 lanes

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②Kunigami Kyujo (Baseball field)

Right and left fields: 100m, center field: 122m

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③Tennis courts

4 sand-filled artificial turf courts

④Kunigami Kaganji Park-Golf course

This course is official recognition by “NPO International PG association”/p>

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⑤Hureai Hiroba (Square)

⑥Kunigami okunai Undojo (Indoor Sports ground)

Area: 2,435.42㎡

Artificial turf

15.Kumejima-cho Sogo Undo Koen

100, Kiyomizu, Torishima, Kumejima-cho
TEL.098-985-3301 FAX.098-985-3303

Business hours: 8:30AM~9:30PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Kumejima Yakyujo (Baseball field)

Right and left fields: 100m, center field: 122m

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②Hotaru Dome

Field floor area: 3,540㎡

Artificial turf area: 3,080㎡

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③Tamokuteki Hiroba (Multipurpose square)

Area: 13,520㎡

16.Miyakojima-shi Taiiku Shisetsu

676-1, Higashinakasone, Hirara, Miyakojima-shi
TEL.098-73-4469 FAX.098-73-5832

Business hours: 8:30AM~9:45PM

*every Monday, and around New Year is closed.

①Miyakojima-shi Rikujo Kyogijo
(Athletics stadium)

It is third certified Athletics stadium.

All-weathered field turf track: 400m×8 lanes

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②Miyakojima-shi Sogo Taiikukan

Area: 4,100.00㎡

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③Miyakojima-shi Tamokuteki Undo Koen
(Multipurpose Sports Park)

④Miyakojima Shimin Kyujo (Baseball field)

Area: 13,353㎡

Right and left fields: 97.6m, center filed: 122m
Infield: Clay paving, Outfield: natural turf

17. Ishigaki-shi Chuo Undo Koen

1408-1, Tonoshiro, Ishigaki-shi
TEL.098-83-5412 FAX.098-83-5414

Business hours: 9:00AM~9:00PM

*every Tuesday, and around New Year is closed.

①Shie Yakyujo (Baseball field)

Right and left fields: 99.5m, center field: 122m
Infield: clay paving, Outfield: natural turf

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②Ishigaki-shi Sogo Taiikukan (Gymnasium)

Area: 1,950㎡

Check point

1.You are able to have meetings at the wide locker-room.

2.Slopes and elevator is set when going to the second floor.

3.Lifting toilet seats are set in the restroom.

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③Rikujo Kyogijo (Athletics Stadium)

It is third certified Athletics stadium
All-weathered urethane paving track: 400m×8 courses

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④Soccer Park Akanma

Main ground: 105m×68m

Sub-ground: 105m×68m

These are also Club house, Futsal (indoor 5-man football) arena, and training room.


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